Students Speaking Skill in Giving Opinion

. Ernati, Khairul Harha, Juan Agustinus Nainggolan


This study seeks to investigate the speaking skill of the third-year students in giving opinion towards teaching-learning process at English Department of Bung Hatta University. The focus of speaking skills studied and described descriptively are content, vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, and grammar. Because the number of population members was small (29students), total sampling technique was used to select samples. The speaking test was used as an instrument to collect data, and it was valid in terms of content and by using inter-rater technique and the reliability index of the test was 0.92. The result of data analysis showed that there are 51,724 % students who had very high skill in giving opinion towards teaching-learning process at English Department Bung Hatta University, 44.83 % had very good skill in expressing content, 93,10% good in using vocabulary, 89.65% good in pronunciation, 68.9% good in fluency. However, 41.38 % of students had bad skill in using grammar.


speaking skill, giving opinion, vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, fluency

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