Establishing a Link between Online Written Activities and Pre-recorded Video Oral Exams Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic appeared around the world, most of the students and professors alike were not fully accustomed to online classes. In this paper, 31 students volunteered to give their insights about what benefits and difficulties they encountered in the online classes in terms of instructions/teaching, content, activities, materials, grammar, vocabulary, and other learning factors in completing writing tasks in the Debate 02 and the Practical English 02 courses and how their academic performances were reconciled through online written activities with pre-recorded video oral exams. Using a Likert-based survey method with quantitative and qualitative results, the conclusions were drawn. There is a link established between online written activities and pre-recorded video oral exams encountered in the asynchronous online model. Students’ online oral exams via pre-recorded videos make a progress in their overall marks, especially in grammar and vocabulary that improved to high proficiency (3 points and 4 points, respectively) from their online writing task results (i.e. 2 points, the overall marks in sentence structure, word choice and tone, and grammar and mechanics) along with other positive learning outcomes despite the drawbacks. In solving the overall issues, a combination of both pre-recorded video lectures and PDF or PPT materials amid the Covid-19 pandemic is highly recommended as their benefits are still achievable and difficulties can still be diminished strategically. This paper offers insights to guide teachers and students in successful writing tasks to oral exams that can be completely possible in asynchronous online classes.
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