The Logic of ER-IR Strategy on the Development of Saudi Students' Reading Accuracy

Mohammed Hassan Abdel Rahman Ibrahim, Rafizah Mohammed Rawian


Reading is a central language skill in every EFL classroom and learners are familiar with a number of reading techniques and strategies. But these techniques are only a part of the intensive reading approach. Illogically reading for the sake of pleasure is rarely existed in EFL classroom. The present study aimed to investigate the logic of ER-IR Strategy on the improvement of learners' reading accuracy. To achieve this goal, an experimental research design was conducted, two study groups, an experimental and a controlled group were formed and a sample of the study were 20 participants selected from fresh university learners in Ula Branch, Taibah University. Pre-test and post-tests were administered and the findings showed that participants had made a better progress in post-test scores.  


ER-IR Strategy, EFL classroom, reading accuracy

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