An Investigation of Academic Writing Errors among Tertiary Level Students at Hadhramout University: A Perception Study

Nasser Omer Mubarak Al-Tamimi


This paper investigated the perception of Yemeni students towards the types of errors of academic writing experienced by themat Hadhramout University- College of Education. A total of 60 respondents completed the questionnaire based on their perceptions towards the academic writing errors made by them in writing tasks. Other four staff members of the department of English were asked to give the most major academic writing errors made by the students in their writing tasks. Data were collected through using a questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The study was conducted in Hadhramout University. The findings of the study showed that students made many errors in academic writing in relation to sentence structure, vocabulary, and expressing ideas, punctuation, prepositions, spelling, use of articles and use of irregular verbs. The errors were ranged from the most frequent ones to the lowest in relation to the aspects of academic writing problems. Finally, it is hoped that this piece of work will add something to the existing knowledge, and might motivate further research into other important areas in the academic writing.



academic writing, errors, perception, tertiary level

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