The Role of Teachers’ Nonverbal Behavior in Alleviating Listening Comprehension Test Anxiety

Sahar Najarzadegan


This study was to analyze whether there was any relationship between test anxiety and EFL students’ test performance. Another purpose of this study was to see if use of supportive nonverbal behavior could play any role in alleviating anxiety in EFL students’ test performance. One hundred and twenty students of English as a foreign language at intermediate level of Iran Language Institute participated in this study. The listening comprehension test scores were correlated with test anxiety scores (TAS) which resulted in a statistically significant negative correlation. This result is a good evidence of the negative impact of anxiety on listening comprehension test performance. Another test was run after a three week NVB treatment to see the role of supportive nonverbal behavior on learners. The paired sample t-test showed a significant progress in the second listening comprehension test scores, and therefore, a positive influence on the participants' performance. This treatment could alleviate their anxiety, and consequently, improve their scores. Thus, English teachers are recommended to reduce test anxiety by creating a friendly atmosphere in class through use of supportive nonverbal behaviors.


nonverbal behavior (NVB), test anxiety scale (TAS), test

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