Teachers and Students’ Perceptions on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on English Language Learning in Saudi Arabia

Reema Ali Aljohani


The study aims to investigate Saudi EFL teachers and students' perceptions toward using artificial intelligence (AI) for improving English language learning. Moreover, the use of artificial intelligence in education has become an important need to keep pace with the development of education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the spheres of the Kingdom's 2030 vision. Many Saudi students face difficulties in learning English language for a lot of reasons. One of these reasons because they are taught through traditional methods, and they find it boring and not effective. Moreover, the future vision of education has changed and require the use of technology. The participants in this study were 5 teachers and 16 students from Yanbu University College Female Campus (YUCF). The study type was quantitative research. Furthermore, the tools used in the research was a close-ended questionnaire to collect data. The findings showed that teachers and students’ perceptions supported the effect of using artificial intelligence in learning English language in Saudi Arabia.


Teachers and Students’ Perceptions, Artificial Intelligence, English Language Learning

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